What is the Space of Spectral Sensitivity Functions for Digital Color Cameras

Camera spectral sensitivity functions relate scene radiance with captured RGB triplets. They are important for many computer vision tasks that use color information, such as multispectral imaging, color rendering, and color constancy. In this paper, we aim to explore the space of spectral sensitivity functions for digital color cameras. After collecting a database of 28 cameras covering a variety of types, we find this space convex and two-dimensional. Based on this statistical model, we propose two methods to recover camera spectral sensitivities using regular reflective color targets (e.g., color checker) from a single image with and without knowing the illumination. We show the proposed model is more accurate and robust for estimating camera spectral sensitivities than other basis functions. We also show two applications for the recovery of camera spectral sensitivities — simulation of color rendering for cameras and computational color constancy.


Jun Jiang, Dengyu Liu, Jinwei Gu and Sabine Susstrunk. What is the Space of Spectral Sensitivity Functions for Digital Color Cameras?. IEEE Workshop on the Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2013.

Jun Jiang, Dengyu Liu, Jinwei Gu and Sabine Susstrunk.Supplementary Document (with proof and other experimental details).


  Experimental setup to obtain the groundtruth of spectral sensitivity:

we have measured the spectral sensitivity functions for 28 cameras, including professional DSLRs, point-and-shoot, industrial and mobile cameras (i.e., Nokia N900), using a monochromator and a spectrometer PR655. At each wavelength, the camera spectral sensitivity in RGB channels is calculated by c(λ) = d(λ)/(r(λ)t(λ)), where d(λ) is the raw data recorded by the camera, r(λ) is the illuminant radiance measured by the spectrometer, and t(λ) is the exposure time of the camera. All other settings (i.e., ISO and aperture) remained the same during the measurement for each camera. The procedure is repeated across the whole visible wavelength from 400 to 720nm with an interval of 10nm.

  The need of statistics prior of camera spectral sensitivities:

It is known that common color targets such as a colorchecker cannot be used directly to recover camera spectral sensitivities under conventional illumination (e.g., daylight, tungsten, fluorescent). This is because the intrinsic dimensionality of real-world objects' reflectance is about 8, which is less than the number of unknowns in camera spectral sensitivities. Direct inversion is not reliable, even with a small amount of noise (1%).

  Luther condition evaluation:

A camera satisfies the Luther condition if its spectral sensitivity function is a linear transformation of the CIE-1931 2-degree color matching function. The Luther condition can be evaluated by the RMS error between C2deg and TC, C2deg are the CIE-1931 2-degree color matching functions, and C are the measured camera spectral sensitivities. Color difference (CIEDE00) is calculated between C2deg and TC under CIE D65 illuminant and the 1269 Munsell color chips. Ideally, spectral RMS and color differences are zero if a camera perfectly satisfies the Luther condition. Overall, most cameras have a deviation from the Luther condition, especially for the two industrial cameras.

  Principal components of camera spectral sensitivities:

The principal components of camera spectral sensitivities. The three columns represent the R/G/B channels, respectively. We performed PCA on Canon cameras, Nikon cameras, and all 28 cameras. The 1st principal component accounts for over 95% of total variance for all three channels, and the first two principal components accounts for over 97% of total variance. Thus, we model camera spectral sensitivity functions as two-dimensional functions.

  The recovery of camera spectral sensitivies of Canon 60D:

(a) The measured spectrum of a daylight. (b) The spectral reflectance of a color checker DC. (c) The captured image (glossy and duplicate patches are removed to avoid overweighting certain colors). (d) The recovered spectral sensitivities with known daylight spectrum. By using a daylight model, we can recover both the daylight spectrum (e) and the camera spectral sensitivities (f). The subscripts m and e in (d) and (f) stand for the measured and estimated camera spectral sensitivities, respectively.

  Comparison of recovered camera spectral sensitivies using 3 basis functions:

(a) Fourier basis, (b) polynomial basis, and (c) radial basis. The results are worse than that of using the PCA model. The subscripts m and e stand for the measured and estimated camera spectral sensitivities, respectively.

  Comparison of four types of basis functions for modeling camera spectral sensitivity functions:

A -- PCA model, B -- Fourier basis, C -- radial basis and D -- polynomial basis with the ground truth (E). A color checker is rendered under D65 with camera spectral sensitiv- ities recovered using these basis functions, and converted to sRGB. The average color difference between the renderings (from A to D) and the ground truth (E) are 1.59, 3.54, 2.43 and 7. The gain of the imaging system remains the same for all four basis functions.

  Simulation of color rendering for cameras:

The images are rendered to sRGB based on the measured (top row) and estimated (bottom row) camera spectral sensitivities of Canon 60D. (a) face, (b) beads, and (c) peppers are from the multispectral image database [25]. The values in the parentheses are the average color difference (CIEDE00 [11]) between the bottom and top images in each column. For all three examples, the color difference is close to one, indicating a close color match.

  Correction of images by Canon5D Mark II:

CC is put in the scene to locate the white point. The estimated camera spectral sensitivity of Canon5D Mark II is used to calculate T. Left column: The captured image; Middle column: the corrected image based on T, and Right column: the corrected image by dividing the white point (without using T). The images are rendered in sRGB color space.


WACV 2013 Presentation (coming soon)

WACV 2013 Poster (coming soon)


Database of camera spectral sensitivity

The database includes the spectral sensitivity functions for 28 cameras, including professional DSLRs, point-and-shoot, industrial and mobile cameras. The measurement starts from 400nm to 720nm in an interval of 10nm. The database is in the form of a text file. Each entry starts with camera name and follows by measured spectral sensitivities in red, green and blue channel.

Code for recovering camera spectral sensitivity from a single image

This demo MATLAB code shows the recovery of camera spectral sensitivity with a regular color checker from a single picture under unknown daylight. An example image captured by a Canon 60D (CR2 RAW format) is included. The measured camera spectral sensitivity for Canon 60D and measured daylight are also included for comparison.

Spectral Sensitivity Measurement, CVL, University of Tokyo